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 Rule & Tutorial : Macam Mana nak post Lagu

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Posts : 103
Join date : 26/05/2009
Age : 31
Location : Soul Society

Rule & Tutorial : Macam Mana nak post Lagu Vide
PostSubject: Rule & Tutorial : Macam Mana nak post Lagu   Rule & Tutorial : Macam Mana nak post Lagu EmptyMon Jun 01, 2009 9:53 am

Okies mula-mula kamu boleh create new Topic

pastu kamu upload file mp3 kamu kat


kalau boleh create la satu free account kat situ pastu upload lagu kamu

pastu kamu boleh postkan kat sini


tolong guna button Other-->Hidden


selamat mengepost he

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Rule & Tutorial : Macam Mana nak post Lagu

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