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 Infected / .EXE Video Files - A Warning

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Posts : 103
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Infected / .EXE Video Files - A Warning Vide
PostSubject: Infected / .EXE Video Files - A Warning   Infected / .EXE Video Files - A Warning EmptyMon Aug 10, 2009 7:29 am

Lately, we have been seeing a spurt in the number of such files, disguised as a movie, TV Show, or, even Music. However, please remember that such files hide info stealers / malware. They are designed to "call home" (ie: Send remotely without your knowledge), ALL of your personal data on your PC, starting from your Messenger ID, Pass, to your Forum Logins and Passes, and, also your Filehoster Accounts. At the worst case, also your Paypal Accounts, Credit Card numbers etc. Basically, these are designed to take up any info from your computer based on what the writer of the malicious code decided to.

Remember, through all these years, no one found it necessary to find new packing methods for files, so theres no reason why video files should be packed inside .EXE's now.

The Video File is an .EXE. Lets see what can be done..
DONT do anything, least of all run it. Nothing can be done. It may be Zipped, RAR-ed, 7-Zip-ed, Splitted using HJSplit, whatever, but, after extracting from the above mentioned methods, if you dont get the desired file format (.AVI/.MP3/.MKV etc), dont run the file, and, more so, not if it ends in .EXE/.BAT/.SFX. Curse your luck, cry over wasted bandwidth, wasted time, and immediately Shift - Delete the file. The consequences of running the file can be much worse.

I have the l33t3st AntiVirus/Internet Security. I wont be infected. (:
Dont push your luck. These malwares / info stealers are not detected by any AV, Yes, these are designed that professionally, unless ofcourse it contains a virus or some other sort that can be caught by an AV / Internet Security Solution. Bottom Line, dont count on your Antivirus to bail you out of this situation.

I downloaded a file from DotNXT and it matches the characteristics shown above!
Immediately make a post, stating the file type, and, make a screenshot if possible, and include it in the post. The post will be deleted as soon as possible by the staff members after verification.

The Video File is in a known format, but I get some sort of warnings / theres an error in playing!
Its the same as above, however, its much better disguised. Dont run the file again, as usual. If you are suspicious of the file's actions, its more than likely its an info stealer.

I dont download movies and music, Only apps and games, I am safe. (: !
My apologies for disillusioning you all along

Protecting Yourself
* Follow the basics. Use a bit of common sense, download from trusted sources, and, observe that the file you have downloaded is indeed the file you want.
* Use the provided security features like RS Account Locking, and the like. They have been provided for a reason.
* Check your PC for suspicious TXT files. The oldest methods used to create a file under C Drive called RAPID.TXT which contained a list of all your private data and was sent "home". Although, if you do find it, it means you are already a victim.
* Use a good firewall. Windows firewall just doesn't cut it. With a good firewall solution, even if you are infected, the details cant be sent over without tripping the firewall security system.

Team 4KJ wishes you to be safe of such malicious content spread over by some people for personal gains, and, reminds you to check the files you downloaded before you execute them. Its your privilege and right!

Your Admin
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Infected / .EXE Video Files - A Warning

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